John 20:29 - Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Ref: KJV, JAMES (3:6-12), Eph 4:31-32

AIM: To share with brethren from God's word on christian speaking


Questions: Some critical questions for us to take note and ponder? Who has control of our words, God or us? Does our words reflect who we are in Christ, or does the sinful nature have it roots in you? Is it God's wisdom guiding our speech?, or the desire for the world’s attention? Are we being ambassadors for Christ through our thoughts and speech? (2 Cor 5:20). Does our tongue reflect our spiritual maturity and character?

1. Today, we have three objectives:

a. To know the relationship between mind and speech
b. To know the destructive power of tongue
c. To know the types of evil speaking that God is against and why man do that?

2. Words have the crucial role of communicating not only our ideas but how we are connecting with others. How we use our spoken language, as well as our body language, is very important. The tongue is that instrument to aid us in our communication purposes. Lets raise our communication to higher purposes. The purpose to serve God. Words can serve both for the good of the God's Kingdom and the destruction of the Church.

3. NO shame/remorse in the wisdom of man. Now, from radios, televsions and movie screens, there spew forth words of evil without shame. In books, magazines, and newspapers, obscenity (behaviour, appearance or expression that violate accepted standards of sexual morality) is no longer taboo. For e.g. Even in Singapore, we previously did not allow any scantily clothed people to perform but now we know that there is a crazy horse that was already here.!!. In public, swearing, taking God's name in vain and using filthy, suggestive language is no longer the unacceptable exception. There is no shame attached to evil speaking or corrupt communication. The world find it “cool” and “trendy” instead to use such words.


4. Just as the tongue can be an indicator of our physical health, so also it can inform us of our spiritual well-being. The real origin of man's oral communication lies in the mind of the communicator.

5. In the bible, mind is equated with the heart of man. These denote the spiritual part of man's makeup. With the spiritual heart, man thinks (Gen 6:5; Prov 23:7; Mat 15:19), understands (Mat 13:15), and Believes (Rom 10:10). This is the function of man's intellect. The Spiritual heart is also the seat of man's desires (Rom 10:1), loves (Mat 22:39), and his power to trust (Pro 3:5). These are the expressions of man's emotions and intellect. With the heart, we express intent (Heb 4:12), purpose (2 Cor 9:7), and obedience (Rom 6:17). These things involve the will of man, power of choosing one's own actions. Our hearts also either approve or condemn our thoughts and actions (1 John 3:20-21). This is the work of conscience.

6. Jesus spoke in the parable of the sower (Luke 8:4-15), that it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks (Mat 12:34-36). A good man brings forth from the treasure of his heart that which is dynamic or good, and an evil mans speaks that which being deadly, proceeds from an evil heart (Mat 15:18). The character of the heart will be manifested in the conduct (Mat 15:19).

7. God further warns us in (Prov 4:23-24), We should follow David's Prayer (Psa 19:14). When we get our hearts right, our mouths will be right! Jesus said, (Mat 12:36-37) “But i say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned”Let us be willing to “bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”(2 Cor 10:5). Which we will study deeper next week on how do we seek God's help on controlling out tongue.


8. Solomon said, “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue”(Pro 18:21). The wise man declared, “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles”(Pro 21:23). Let's reflect on what someone in our life said made us feel so motivated/ encouraged?, like encouragement from your family, teachers or friends. On the other hand how about the words that we heard, that discourage us? It is just words that create such great effects. On one hand, it makes us so good that we feel that we are on top of the mountain but on the other hand, it makes us feel really down. Lets pay attention to James on the destructive power of tongue.

9. Verse 6: James likened the power and evil of the unrestrained tongue to a deadly, devastaing, defiling fire. The tongue may destroy the body as the fire destroys the forest. As a fire destroys the posessions and somtimes the lives of people,

a. so the lying tongue destroys the reputations, names and sometimes the lives of innocent people.

b. Angry tongue (Prov 14:17) will deal foolishly with words. And words once spoken could not be taken back. (Pro 29:22) An angry man stirreth up strife, and a wrathful man aboundeth in transgression. (Prov 29:11) A fool uttereth all his anger.

c. Gossiping tongue. (Prov 16:27) A worthless man deviseth mischief; and in his lips there is as a scorching fire.

d. Tongue causes defilement. “defileth” here in greek means “spilos”, which means to spot even the whole body.

e. The greek word for Hell is “Gehenna”, Hell and Satan are the real influences behind the heart that allows the tongue to be misused in such destructive ways.

10. Verse 7: James paralleled the power and evil of the unrestrained tongue to wild beasts which have not been tamed. Once the animal is tamed, men do not fear it. As such, men must have the attitutde like David and try to seek God's help to control his tongue. (Psa 141:3) (Psa 39:1)

11. Verse 8: Unrestrained tongue to the effects of deadly poison. i.e. Hypocritical tongue, corrupt communication tongue, backbiting tongue. How dangerous and life threatning it could be.

12. Verse 9-12: Unrestrained tongue is inconsistent. Praise on one hand and curse on the other. (1 John 4:20) John reminded us that “if a man say, I love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar; for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath not seen, cannot love God whom he hath not seen”.

a. James used the illustration of a fountain to further emphasise his point. He traced the problem back to the source. If there is sweet water and bitter water at the opening, something is wrong at the source. (Mat 12:34) – the heart is the source of the lips. Our speech reveals our character (Luke 6:45)


Ques: What are evil speaking, name some examples?

13. God's will that man birdle his tongue; otherwise, his religion is in vain. (Jam 1:26) There are many ways in which a person can sin with the tongue and suffer destruction. They are gossip, backbiting, lying and corrupt communication.

14. To understand the problem, we must know what the Bible says about gossip, backbitiing, Lying and corrupt communication. We need to see the effects of these sins in people's lives. And, most importantly, we must resolve to not engage in them and advise others not to. As we will see that the end of it all is separation from God for eternity in Hell fire.


15. Man is drawn away of his own lust on things of this world to sin. (James 1:13 -15). Things of this world (1 John 2: 15 -17). Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life.

a. First it is a heart problem. “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murder, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blaspehmies: theseare the thigs which defile a man”(Mat 15:19 -20). Some lie for fun. Some lie to hurt another. Potiphar's wife falsely chargerd the pure and godly Joseph bacause he had spurned her advances. (Gen 3:14) (Prov 26:28)

b. There is a lack of control of the mind. (Pro 23:7) Pro 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

1Ti 6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

2Ti 3:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

c. There is a lack of self-esteem. Some want so badly to be accepted, they will do whatever it takes. If the corwd one considers to be cool, uses prfanity, so will he. What a sad reason to sell one's soul!

d. Some lie to save their pride or position. Aaron said when confronted with the sin of making the idol, the golden calf. (Exo 32:24)

e. Some lie for advantage to deceive for gain. ( Pro 21:6)

f. Some lies are set forth in an effort to avoid detection and punishment, or upon being caught, to shift blame. After sinning, Adam tried to blame Eve (and God!). (Gen 3:12).

g. Some lie to protect themselves. When peter was identified as one who had been with Jesus: “he began to curse and to swear, lies are made in an effort to please another, or to avoid offending someone. (Mark 14:71)

h. Some lies are made in an effort to please another, or to avoid offending someone.

i. Some are lies of boasting. Some fearful of losing their power and popularity to Jesus, sought false witnesses to accuse Him (Mat 26:59). Because some will not “2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; (2 Tim 4:3). As long there are those who will listen to the fables of men, there will be men who will supply them. (2 Tim 4: 4) 2Ti 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

What are we going to do?

Eph 4:31 - Let all bitterness and wrath, and anger and clamour and evil speaking, be put away from you with all malice.

Eph 4:32 - And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

Peter declares in 1 Peter 2:1-2, “Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrises, and envies, and all evil speakings, as newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby”.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ref: KJV, Heb 10:1-18; Scripture Text: Heb 10: 5 -18

AIM: To share with brethren from God’s word on what are we to do for Christ, being the perfect sacrifice for us.


1. Good morning everyone. We are indeed encouraged by the brethren from Malaysia and visitors worshiping with us here today. Indeed is a great privilege and blessing for me to be given the opportunity to share the word of God. Today’s lesson will be something that is very close to my heart. It is this event that drawn me nearer to God, It is about Christ sacrifice. The reasons behind such great act. Why God so great and powerful send His only son, Jesus Christ to become man? And why must Jesus die for us?

2. God created man in innocence and gave him dominion over the earth. (Gen 1:28). But Man sinned and immediately lost his dominion. (Rom 3:23) Sin is the transgression of God's law. (1 John 3:4) and wages of sin is death. (Rom 6:23). The ultimate curse of man's lost destiny is death. But our God is gracious and patient and wanted all to be saved (2 Peter 3:9). As such, God's Ultimate gift for mankind was to let His only Son, Jesus Christ come to die to remove the curse so that man could regain dominion; thus Jesus death was the most important event in History to save man from sin.

3. Join me as we recall this event. Lets go back a few thousand years, now we are in the midst of the crowd on the hill of Golgotha also know as the “skull”. The crowd was chaotic and there were a lot of noise. There were smell of blood. And then, we see our Lord Jesus Christ, hanging on the cross, crucified between two thieves. (During that time, Crucification is described as the most “cruel and unusual” punishment to derive the maximum amount of suffering reserved for those guilty of crimes against the Roman empire). As we observe, our Lord's body on the cross. We saw that there were a lot of blood from the deep wounds due to the many beatings he suffered, his hands and feet were nailed to the cross. There was a crown of thorns over his head. As we look up at his face, we can see in his eyes, the pain and agony he is going through to see the people he loved and helped doing this to him. He was cursed, abused, spet upon, betrayed, beaten and crucified for the people that he loved.

4. At the bottom of the cross, on one side, we see the chief priest, soldiers, scribes mocking and cursing him. On the other hand, there were people like his mother Mary and his disciple John who were in great sadness and were helpless as they saw our beloved Lord and Saviour suffering on the cross for us. After about six hours on the cross, Our Lord's final words were “teleho” or “It is finished” in greek and bowed his head and gave up his life. He deliberately put His head into a position of rest showing that he lay down his life by himself and no one taketh it away from him. This account can be read in John 19. Jesus humbly died on the cross on that day. For who did he die for? It is for you and for me. Why did Jesus has to sacrifice so much for us? He is the Son of God, who is also God and yet brought himself so low to become human (1 John 1:1-3) to save mankind. Why ??


5. Why did Jesus become man? Jesus become man because to:

a. Be Our substitute. (Read Hebrews 2:9) Since all man have sinned and have fall short of Glory of God and is bound to suffer death and separation from God for eternity. By the grace of God, Jesus tasted death for everyone. Jesus took on the burden of sins upon himself to suffer and die on our behalf so that we will not be separated from God. He died in your place and in my place. He became our substitute.

b. Destroy the power of death. (Read Hebrews 2:14-15)

(1) Humans by nature are flesh and blood but Christ was not. Yet Jesus added to Himself our nature in order that He might die in our place, and that we might take hold of the divine nature that did not belong to us (2 Peter 1:4)

(2) The only way to destroy Satan was to rob him of his weapon, which was death (physical death, spiritual death, eternal death). Satan knew that God required death for us because of sin. Satan wants to hold onto men until we die, because once we are dead the opportunity for salvation is gone forever. Men cannot escape after his death. But God has a weapon even more powerful – which was eternal life and with it Jesus destroyed death.

c. Be our sympathizer. (Read Hebrews 2:17-18) God wants to help man. For this reason, He had to be made in the form of man, so that he can understand what we are going through. Because Jesus Himself suffered when he was tempted, (Mat 4:1-11) He is able to help those who are being tempted". Jesus came to reconcile men to God. He wanted to feel everything we feel so that He could be merciful and understanding, as well as a faithful high priest. He came not only to save us but to sympathise with us and aid those who are tempted.

6. Jesus became man because he wanted to be a substitute to save us, destroy the power of death and sympathise with us. Isn't that great? How thankful and grateful can we be for God's providence and love. But why did Jesus have to die for us?

Why did Jesus Christ have to die for us?.It was because

a. There was a need to shed blood for the remission of soul from sin.

(1) (Read Hebrews 9:22) The word “purged” here means to “kartharizo” in Greek which means to cleanse and purify. Before the new covenant was established by Jesus, the Jews were under the mosaic law which was given by God. And in the mosaic law, God directed that there is a need for blood to be shed for remission of soul from sin.

(2) God told Moses: "For the life of the flesh [is] in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it [is] the blood [that] maketh an atonement for the soul." (Leviticus 17:11).

b. There was a need for a better purer and perfect sacrifice that can cleanse and redeem man's soul from sin. No sacrificial animals' blood was sufficient to do that. So sinful have men become that only a perfect sacrifice could cleanse us of our sins. The blood of Christ, perfect sacrifice, had to be shed for our redemption. Jesus Christ "did not enter by means of the blood of the goats and calves; but He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption." (Hebrews 9:12). This redemption obtained through the blood of Christ, is not temporary or just to cover like the practices in the old testament but it is to fully cleanse us internally (where sin really exist) and redeem us once and for all, forever. (Heb 9:13-14)

c. To establish eternal life. The way to eternal life is through resurrection, but the way to resurrection is through death. So Jesus had to experience death before He could be resurrected and thereby give us life. Jesus dying destroyed death. How? He went into death, through death, and came out on the other side, there by conquering it. As such, Jesus said, because I live, you shall live also. (John 14:19). The resurrection of Jesus Christ provides the believer with eternal life.

7. We have understood that Jesus died for us so that our souls can be purified from our sins by His blood and the hope that we have in Him to have eternal life to be with Jesus and God. On the cross, when our Lord was dying, his final word “teleho” which means it is finished in greek refers to a perfect completion. To the scribes, chief priest and soldiers, Jesus sacrifice was a failure. But to Christ, at his dying moments, His sacrifice for all of us was perfect. Why?


8. It reflects God’s eternal will.

a. Christ sacrifice was perfect because it was God’s will all along. In the mind of God, before the world was ever created, He knew the old system would not be perfect. From the beginning He had planned that Jesus would come and die. (Heb 10:5, 7)

b. God could never have been satisfied with animal offerings and He became less satisfied with then as they became a sham and mockery. To many offerers they had come to be meaningless religious ritual, and had nothing to do with obedience or faith. (Heb 10:8)

c. Jesus supreme mission on earth was to do His Father’s will. Over and Over in the gospels, Jesus speaks of His having come to do the Father’s will and only the Father’s will. His was the perfect sacrifice because it was offered in perfect obedience to God. (John 14:31) Even on the cross Jesus was saying, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. (Luke 23:46)

9. It replaces the Old system. God took away the first, the old sacrifices to make way for the second, the new sacrifice. (Heb 10:8-9) God’s focus was always on the second covenant, the superior covenant, the perfect covenant in Jesus Christ.

10. It sanctifies the believer. It sanctifies the believer, makes him holy. The old system had no way of making a man holy. (Heb 10:10) To be sanctified, or make holy (hagiasmos in greek), basically means to be set apart. (1Thess 4:3) . This is also the desire of our Lord. “ You shall be holy, for I am Holy (1 Pet 1:16). This one act, in one moment, provided permanent sanctification for everyone who places his trust in Jesus Christ. (2Pet 1:3-4). On the cross, He sanctified us, set us apart unto Himself, forever holy and dear to Himself and to the Father.

11. It removes sin. Christ’s sacrifice is effective because it removes sin, which the other covenant could never do. (Heb 10:11-12). The new covenant went from daily sacrifices to one sacrifice, from ineffective sacrifices to the one perfect sacrifice.

12. It destroyed His enemies. (Heb 10:13) All the sacrifices in the Old Testament did nothing to get rid of Satan. But when Jesus died on the cross, he destroyed all His enemies. (Heb 2:14) - he conquered devil. (Col 2:14-15) - He disarmed and triumphed over all rulers and authorities of all ages who have rejected and opposed God. He is now waiting until all His enemies bow at His feet. (Phil 2:10).

13. It perfects the saints forever. (Heb 10:14) The death of Jesus Christ removes sin forever for those who belong to Him. We are totally secure in our Savior. We need cleansing when we fall into sin, but we need never fear God’s judgement on us because of our sin. As far as Christ’s sacrifice is concerned, we have already been sanctified and perfected – which is why He had to sacrifice Himself only once. The forgiveness is permanent because the sacrifice is permanent. (Heb 10:18)

14. It fulfills the promise of a new covenant. (Heb 10:15-17) The new sacrifice was perfect because it had to accomplish these things in order for God to fulfill His promises, which cannot be broken.


15. Love Jesus and Keep his commandments. (John 14:21) “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him”.

16. Present our body for the daily service of the Lord's work. “I beseech you therefore, brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service”. (Rom 12:1)

a. That we present our body holy and has a daily sacrifice to face the trials and tribulations of this world to stand up for Christ. To be exemplary Christians to do God’s will just like Jesus Christ.

17. Praise and Pray to God in all things. “Ye also, as living stones, are built up a spiritual house an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ”. (1 Peter 2:5)
a. To always praise and glorify God for his providence and promises and do all things in His name.


18. For Christians who are drifting away, please come back and Repent. (Ps 51:1-4)

19. For those who are not in God's church, you have to obey God , so that he can add you to His Church. There are five steps to follow:

a. First step to Hear the word of God (Rom 10:17), Which you have just heard.

b. Belief in God and Jesus as his son (Heb 11:6)

c. Repent of your sins and determine to change the manner of life according to the will and word of God, (Acts 17:30)

d. Confess that Jesus is the Son of God and Lord of our Life, (Rom 10:10)

e. Be Baptised in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in order to obtain the forgiveness of sins. (Rom 6:3-4)


20. In Conclusion, Jesus has gave all things for us so that he can be with us. Are we willing to put away our worries, concern and desires of this world to be with him and the father? Is the sacrifice of Christ for our sake insufficient? Is our heart so hardened, not to hear his plea and calling for us to be him? Do we love Jesus? He has first loved you and me that he has sacrificed Himself for us. Why not we take a first step forward to be with Jesus, walk forward and we will help you.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Biblical Fellowship

BIBLICAL FELLOWSHIP – 22 Oct 08 (15 mins)

Ice Breaker: A how much do u know about B? Share your experiences? (1 min)
(How long you know him, what you all do together, what you think of him?)

Today's lesson will be on Biblical Fellowship!

1. To share with brethren from God’s Word on biblical fellowship.


a. Online-Dictionary states: it means friendly relationship, community of similar interest.

b. In the scriptures: The greek word for fellowship is known as “koinonia”which means partnership. This partnership with christians is not any other social gathering, but it is much superior, it is spiritual as it also includes God. So, when we say we want to “have fellowship,” means that we come together because we have the same belief. As partners, we have something in common with each other; to partake of it; to share it with each other, and in this christian fellowship, the only common thing between you and me (regardless of races, gender and ages) is Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:9)

1Co 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

2. God adds us to this fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ, who is our Lord. No one else has the authority or power to do so. Only God.


3. According to his fathers's will, Jesus put away his heavenly kingdom to put on flesh to come to this world to save us from our sins. But Jesus was betrayed, tortured, abused, cursed, beaten, spet on, crowned with thorns, his hands were nailed, he was crucified, he was not given any water while he was suffering and was mocked at on the cross. He died after six hours of agony on the cross. All this evil sufferings that he have to go through were done by man. He yielded his own life for our sins. 3 days later , Jesus arose from the dead and confirmed his resurrection to his disciples and 500 people. Isn't that amazing, as promised Jesus overcomed death !! <John 19:17- John 20> <1 Cor 15:3-6> Before He ascended into heaven to be with the father, He commanded his discples to go to all nations to teach everyone that Jesus is the Son of God and and it is only through him that we can have a hope to spend eternity with God. As such we have to obey all things that he have commanded us. <Mat 28:19-20>.


4. Jesus did that because of his submission to God's will <Mat 26:39>, his love for man, and the depth of his humiliation <Phil 2:1-8>. Jesus is our Lord and Saviour against the pollution of this world. <1 tim 1:1>


5. It would be nice if every important issue were a matter of first-hand knowledge or experience. But many of our decisions must be made on the basis of the testimony of others. The evidence for the Deity of Jesus is one of those decisions. None of us actually walked with Jesus, so we must make a decision – based on the testimony of those who knew Him. - whether or not we will believe He is the Son of God. One of such is the Apostle John. It has been John's life-long mission to present his eyewitness testimony to others (Acts 1:8). In the bible, he commits his testimony into writing. Those who accept Jesus because of the testimony of the eyewitnesses are blessed (John 20:29).

6. Back ground about John. During the time of Jesus Ministry (Service) on this earth, Apostle John, was the most closest friend of Jesus. For 3 years John accompanied Jesus in His journeys over Palestine, minstering to Him day and night, as Jesus did His Mighty Miracles to help and teach people the word of God. During the Last Supper, John leaned on Jesus' bosom, as Jesus talked of His approaching Cruxification. (John 13:23) this action once again proves their close relationship.

7. To John, Jesus was no Phantom, or Dream, or mere Vision as mentioned by the Pharisees, But a Real Person, the incarnation of Eternal Life. So, John wrote in the Epistle that we might share his feelings of Fellowship, this Close relationship and Joy in Christ and in the Father.

a. First, The Belief that Jesus is the Son of God

(1) He appeared in human form in behalf of men. <Read John 1:1-3> Jesus was with God from the beginning. As life manifested in the flesh, and so dwell among us and converse with us,<John 1:14> . We see Christ great love and kindness for us that being the eternal life (a person of eternal essential life) should come to visit mortals/ sinners like us<Roms 3:23>, and to purchase eternal life for you and me by sacrificing himself to the worst treatment ever in history, and then giving it as a gift for us if we continue to remain faithful <James 1:12>!

b. Second, The hope in Jesus. That Jesus is the only way that we can be saved. <John 14:1-3><John 14:6>

c. Third, Joy of heaven <Heb 12:2>

(1) Joy of Heaven. Jesus for the joy that was set before him - Patiently and willingly endured the cross, with all the pains thereto so that he can be with the Father. if the Saviour rejoiced in view of the glories before him, we should also. We should anticipate with joy an everlasting dwelling in the presence of God, and the high honor of sitting “with him on his throne, as he overcame, and is set down with the Father on his throne.” <Rev 3:21>

(2) The prospect of this should sustain us, as it did Jesus, in the midst of persecution, calamity, and trials. They will soon be ended; and if we are his friends, we shall “overcome,” as Jesus did, and be admitted to “the fulness of joy” above, and to the “right hand” of God, “where are pleasures forevermore.” < Psa 16:11>


8. What are the strengths of this fellowship?

a. God is the head and is with us. <Read 1 Cor 11:3 and Rom 8:31, 32> Remember God's promises.

b. Christ is the bedrock <Mat 16:18> , Christ is the cheif cornerstone of this fellowship. <Eph 2:20> He is the solid foundation which we could rely upon.

c. It is a spiritual union of Christians with God by having one mind. <Read John 17:21 and Phil 2:1-11>

d. Jesus calls us his friends. <John 15:15>

e. Strong love for God and each other. <John 14:15 and John 13:34>


9. Those who do not have Fellowship with the father is outside. <Isa 59:1-2> If we are separated from God due to our own iniquties, so how then can we be in the fellowship?

a. Christians who have sinned

b. Denominations (as they practice things that are against God's commandments but according to the man's convenience: such as lord supper on sat, playing musical instruments in worship, infant baptism).

c. Those who have not obeyed

10. So What can we do?

a. Christian to repent. <Ps 51:1-4>

b. Denominations and Those who have not obeyed – There are five steps to follow:

(1). (First step) Hear the word of God <Rom 10:17>,
(2). belief in God and Jesus as his son <Heb 11:6>
(3). repent of your sins and determine to change the manner of life according to the will and word of God, <Acts 17:30>
(4). confess that Jesus is the Son of God and Lord of our Life, < Rom 10:10>
(5). Be baptised in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in order to obtain the forgiveness of sins. <Rom 6:3-4>

11. Then, Lord will add you to the church (Acts 2:47) where we can have this fellowship with God.


12. Apostle John, shared with us the belief, hope and joy that he had first hand with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This is what we should continue to hold unto and share with the rest of the world. There is someone out there who is waiting to have this fellowship with God but not sure how , there might be someone who does not even know abt this fellowship or who does it in their own way, not in God's way. Here we are the God Chosen people, the called out <1 Peter 2:9> to continue to do his work – seeking and saving the lost. Why wait? What is the excuse? Lets stand up and spread the truth.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008



Ref: BIBLE (KJV), JAMES, WORLDINESS, Into thy word (Website)

Sermon text: (1 TIM 6:6)
But godliness with contentment is great gain.

1. AIM: To share with brethren from God’s Word on the desire for godliness and not covetousness.


a. All the while we have heard of the 5 Cs of Singapore, but recently or yesterday I found this. Other than the usual 5 there are 3 more. They are:8 Cs of Singapore in wikipedia. Cash, car, credit card, condo, country club, certificate, career and coffin. The last one was interesting. All the other materials are worth nothing when we are dead. What is gain when we are dead?
Lets Look at what Paul has to say about gain? In 1 Tim 6:6, Paul was warning Timothy of false teachers and their wrong motives to gain wealth, credit and commendation instead of serving God. Paul rebuked them and mention that respecting and serving God with content with what God provided us with (enuff to carry him thru) is a great gain to last thru beyond this world (death) to heaven.

a. What is godliness? The greek word is eusbeia, which means: reverence and respect to God. reverence and respect to God is to have deep respect, admiration for God’s greatness and majesty.

b. What is contentment? The greek word is autarkeia which means to be satisfied with what we have.

What is gain? The greek word is porismos which denotes a providing , a means to gain.

Man blinded by the vanity of the World. In the World, Satan’s temptations often come in at the eye, which is blinded to the things the eye should actually see, and dazzled with the vanities it should be turned from. Paul wrote to Christians in Eph about the vanity of the world in (Eph 4:17-19). The thoughts of man are also vanity. (Ps 94:11). The first sin began in the eye, Gen 3:6. Lets look at the world with God’s wisdom. (1 John 2 : 15 – 17). Are we getting too comfortable with the good status of living? Are christians also falling in love with these changes since we have a job and safe, secure environment?


a. With reference to (Luke 12:15), This covetousness (pleonaixas – to have) It is the wrongful and sinful desire to lust after the things of the world which are not ours . i.e worldy wealth, physical pleasures. or greedy desire, is the consequence of a pretended religion.
b. Causes one to forget self and God. (Luke 12:19)
c. Covetous is Sin. (Exo 20:17; Eph 5: 3)
d. It is idolatry. (Col 3: 5). It makes things our god.
e. It is Adultery. (James 4: 4). It is similar to forsaking of him to whom we should be devoted/ faithful to.
f. It originates from the heart. All evil things originates from Man. (Mark 7 :21 – 23). We must set our hearts on commandments of God rather than covetousness. – (Psa 119:35-36). (Rom 7:23)
g. Covetousness expresses itself in one of four ways: (1) the way we go about trying to gain things, (2) the way we go about trying to keep things, - Theses can be through our speeches, actions – (2 Peter 2:3). (3) a failure on our part in wanting to share things, and (4) a sinful and wrong desire for things even if such cannot be gained.
h. Persons knew to do good and in not doing it they have sinned. (James 4:17)
i. Bible eg: foolish farmer: (LUKE 12:14 -31) Covetous cost this man his soul. “for what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mat 16:26). The rich farmer left all that ha had worked for behind. He had no treasures laid up in heaven. A person must be rich toward God to go to heaven.
j. Bible eg: David and Bathsheba. (2 Sam 11:11)
m. Led to hostility with God. (Rom 11:22, James 4:4)
n. Leads to hell where Satan dwells. (James 1:13-15).


We must remember that all things belong to God and that He is just letting us use them for a little while. “ The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that that dwell therin”. (Psa 24:1).

We must remember this earth is not our home. Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which against the soul? (1 Pet 2:11)

We must remember that we are not going to take any material things with us when we die. “ and said, naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither; the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). 1 Tim 6:7.

We must remember that a pursuit of the wrong things will cost us our souls. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and,lose his own soul? Or hat shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mat 16:26).to consider is this what I want or God wants? Do everything in the name of our lord Jesus Christ. Verse: God knows what we need but we must be dependent (verse) on him. Heb 13: 5 – let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have; for he hath said, I will never leave thee not forsake thee. Mat 6:33; Eph 5:25 and Acts 20:28.

We must be content with what we have. Change attitude - be thankful, be content and share (Acts 4:32,Gal 6:7-10). We must remember that God want us to share what we do have with others. (Eph 4:28). Encourage & Love our brethren – to be precahers; lay down our lives – 1 John 3:16. Control our tongue and not to judge. James 4: 11- 12.

Remember to seek true and lasting treasures. (Col 3;1-2)

Be single minded and Pray:pray to God that would turn our eyes away from beholding vanity. to be good stewards of the gifts, talents and blessings from God. So that we can use iot for God’s work and glory and give an account for them when he is back. Account – 2 Cor 5: 10-11. Luke 16:10 -12, 1 Cor 4:2, Mat 25: 14-30

Belief in Jesus (1 John 5:4) and Fight the good fight of faith to lay hold on eternal life. (1 Tim 6:12)

In conclusion, we shake our heads at Judas Iscariot and think for 30 pieces of silver he sold out our Lord and his own soul. The question is what is your price? What is mine? We must be strong enough to resist satan’s offer and change the situation to our Lord’s favour.
Our Lord was tempted in Mathew 4:1-11. He controlled His desires, and we must control ours. Lets be content with God’s blessings and fight the good fight of faith to lay hold on eternal life.


Ref: BIBLE (KJV), JAMES, WORLDINESS, Into thy word (Website)

Sermon text: (ROM 8:6)
Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
AIM: To share with brethren from God’s Word on the need to be spiritual minded and act immediately to overcome sexual immorality.

During the last topic on covetousness, (pleonaixas – to have) It is the wrongful and sinful desire to lust after the things of the world which are not ours . i.e worldy wealth, physical pleasures. We also talked about physical pleasures. I also mentioned that we should think about the things that are happening around us, even in Singapore. I.e. the casino, crazy horses, gay right issues in Singapore. Ranging from attires to sitcoms that our children are exposed on TV. Movies such has desperate housewives, las vegas etc have started to have wrong influence to christians.

I am afraid, that those things which the bible, God’s word speaks out againsts, many are now saying you can overlook. A new, more permissive society is taking shape. We as God’s children [the called out of the world (1 Pet 2:9), set apart for service to God. (1 Cor 1:2), must fight the new permissiveness with our dying breath. Paul infact, commands it, He says in Romans 12:1,2 “I bessech you therefore, brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, thay ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God. That new mind is to be patterned after the mind of Christ (Phil 2:5).

Php 2:5 (G1063) Let this mind beG5426 G5124 inG1722 you,G5213 whichG3739 was alsoG2532 inG1722 ChristG5547 Jesus:G2424

As we look at the mind of Christ, he had always asked spiritual questions. Spiritual questions are questions that are filled with wisdom from the word of God and exercises our spiritual senses. For example, some of this questions that changed the world.

“...Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Matt 8:26 – Jesus questions his disciples, when they were afraid of the tempest and the ship was covered with waves. But they forgot that Jesus was with them.

“ For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mat 16:26 – jesus questions his disciples on what profited them ? The temporal gain of the world and the eternal lost of their soul. Which weighs more?

So where are our spiritual questions that exercise our spiritual senses and can change us and the world?

In Rom 8:6, Paul spoke and in verses 6
Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.


a. What is carnally minded? The greek word is “sarx”, which means: flesh. As such, carnally minded is to follow the inclinations of the flesh, or the corrupt of our nature, leads us to condemnation and death. Works of the flesh (Gal 5:19);

According to dictionary, carnal is bodily aspects rather than rational and spiritual. It is sensual (which suggests erocticism) and is fleshly (desiring physical appearance and characterisitics)
Today, when we talk about the sin of sexual immorality, we speak about that which is sin, we speak of that which is shameful, we speak of that which is wicked and nowhere in the Bible does it ever come close to being as righteousness.


Beginning of Sin. James 1:13-15 (read– Man is drawn away by his own lust). But, What is sexual immorality?

A. The concept of "sexual immorality" is vague 1. Difficulty comes from trying to convey a Greek word that is not easily rendered in English 2. Greek: porneia ("pornography") 3. There is no word in English that properly conveys the meaning of porneia 4. Old meaning: fornication; such now refers almost exclusively to pre-marital sex 5. "Sexual immorality" popular, but could be misleading: porneia does not refer to every kind of sexual sin (lust et al goes under aselgeia, lasciviousness – inclined to lustfullness, arousing sexual desire, indicating sexual interest or expressive of lust. I.e. seduction, sexual harassment, suggestive speaking, eroctic dancing, immoral attire, flirting, explict music).6. Best understanding: sexually deviant behavior-- actual sexual conduct that goes against the sexual norm

B. How can we define "sexually deviant behavior"? 1. The Greek term, in general, refers to conduct like fornication, adultery, pedophilia, incest, homosexuality, and bestiality 2. What is acceptable behaviour?. But to truly establish what is deviant behavior, we must understand what acceptable behavior is 3. Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-6, 1 Corinthians 7:1-2, 9, Hebrews 13:4 4. The sexual norm is sex between a man and woman whom God has joined together 5. We can see, therefore, that all other sexual conduct beyond this relationship is illicit sexual intercourse, that is, porneia or sexual immorality

C. Aspects of porneia / sexual immorality 1. Sexually deviant behavior can take on many forms 2. Deviant behavior contrary to nature: bestiality, homosexuality 3. Deviant behavior transgressing marital commitment: adultery 4. Deviant behavior transgressing proper relationship boundaries: pedophilia, incest, bigamy, polygamy (having more than one spouse at one time), polyandry (having more than one husband at one time), rape 5. Deviant behavior that reverses God's intentions for a relationship: fornication, sexual play

Lets pay attention to Jesus in Mt 5:27 -30.
The traditional interpretation
The oral traditions of the scribes and Pharisee certainly repeated the written commandment found in the Law – Mt 5:27
But they evidently stressed that as long as one did not commit the actual act, one was not guilty.
Thereby emphasizing the “letter” of the law, but not appreciating the “spirit” behind the law as well.

b. Jesus taught differentlyone does not have to commit the “act” to be guilty of adultery.
One is just as guilty when one “looks at a woman to lust for her” – Mt 5:28
Note: Not the “looking”per se, but looking “to lust” for her is what is wrong.
The word that's translated "lust" here is epithumeio, “to Lust” means to have strong desire for, to possess and dominate completely.

A person may look a another with admiration for beauty and not be guilty of “lust”.
Imagine how offended the religious leaders were when Jesus told them they had problems with sexual righteousness. You see, physical adultery includes everything that's wrong with lusting in the heart plus more deceit, betrayal, the breaking of a promise, damage to family, deep hurt to a spouse. Jesus' point is if you think you're sexually perfect and need no repentance because you've avoided committing physical adultery, think again. It runs deeper.


Maybe you're tempted to try to escape from your spouse by fantasizing about somebody else. Maybe you're keenly aware that we live in a society that idolizes sexual attractiveness, so you find yourself too attached to the need to appear sexually desirable. Or perhaps you're jealous of someone who is more attractive than you, or you find yourself flirting inappropriately to prove your attractiveness.

Maybe you have difficulty with pornography. Maybe you're a businessperson, and when you travel and you're alone in hotel rooms, you watch adult movies. Maybe you've had an affair. Maybe you struggle with some form of sexual addiction. Maybe you struggle with homosexual feelings. All the above mentioned are wrong in the eyes of God.

Sexual Immorality is Sin and is condemned by God. Sexual impurity on the part of those who are not married is a griveous sin and is severely and clearly condemned by Jehovah.
a. Those who walk after the Spirit do no”fulfil the lust of the flesh;”. (Gal5:16-21).
b. Because it is enmity against God – Rom 8:7..
c. In fact, Paul says those who practice sexual relations outside of the marriage bond “shall not inherit the kingdom of God”(1 Cor6:9).
d. Peter urged, “beloved, I bessech you as stranger and pilgrims , abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul”(1 Pet 2:11).
e. The aged apostle commanded Timothy, “flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace with them that call on the lord out of a pure heart”(2 Tim 2:22).

3. Defile the man. Sexual sins begins in the heart; it begins with lust (Jam 1:14-15). Our lord stated in Mat 15:18-20: But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blashemies: these are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man (Mark 7:20-23)

4. Defile the body and the nature of sex. 1 Cor 6:18. FleeG5343 fornication.G4202 EveryG3956 sinG265 thatG3739 a manG444 doethG4160 G1437 isG2076 withoutG1622 theG3588 body;G4983 butG1161 he that committeth fornicationG4203 sinnethG264 againstG1519 his ownG2398 body.G4983

5. Defile the marriage -Is suppose to be the union of one husband and wife by God. (Gen 2:24).

6. Cause pain and suffering – physically and spiritually. (Adultery – Job 31:11) – sin of adultery – for this is an heinoue crime: yea it is an iniquity to be punished by the judges. Not only is the one engaged in adultery a criminal, but his guilty of an infamous act. It brings the deepest wound, robs one of honor and virtue, destroys the home, and shames the whole family. It has been termed a form of murder. No wonder Job stated that ït is a fire that consumeth to destruction”(Job 31:12).

5. Spiritual Prostitution. Is also compared to whoredom, being unfaithful to God’s word and commands. God promised that he will be back for us. (John 14:1-3. Rev 22:20-1). But we have to keep his commandments and obey. But with this behaviour, people are not pure and holy for Him. (Eph 5:27 )He bought us with his blood but evil doers have not been faithful to his word. For the lust of the world, christ is forsaked.

6. It is Idolatry. (Col 3:5)
From the sermon text, carnal minded: expression shows that it not only leads to death, or leads to misery, but that it is death itself; there is woe and condemnation in the very act and purpose of being devoted to the corrupt passions.

b. Is death – The greek word is “Thanatos”. Which means death. The penalty of transgression; condemnation and eternal ruin; Note,
SIN & DEATH: (Rom_5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: )
DEATH For evil people: (1 Cor 6:9 – Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived:neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulteres, nor effminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.)
As such, to avoid sexual immorality, we can be married (1 Cor 7:1-2, 9) but...


Sociologists universally class the deterioration of the home, resulting from divorce and remarriage, as one of the greatest, if not the greatest social problems. And the problem is not an isolated one, in as much as more and more nations are experiencing it. Civilisations of other countries have experienced the same crisis. <> The Roman empire during Christ's day was characterised by divorce which was both easily acquired and frequent. Some counted their age by the number of wives or husbands they had. It was against this background that the new testament was written.

Today, marriage is viewed as simply a legal contract, such as buying property, which may be formed and dissolved at will. <>More and more are choosing a “meaningful relationship”of adults living together, not married. One has but to rememeber that divorce and living together outside of marriage were viewed just a few short years ago as disgraceful as n as charcteristics of reporbates to see how far we have moved down the road to ruin.

a. Marriage was institued by God in the Garden of Eden. (Gen 2:24). God joined a husband and wife, man cannot put asunder. (Mat 19:6)

b. Purpose of marriage.
man needs companionship (Gen 2:18) Martial relationship (MR) was established to fulfill the physical needs of the man and woman. (1 Cor 7:1-5) MR was established to perpertuate the human race. (Gen 1:28)

c. God hates divorce! From the beginning of time, God intended for marriage to be permanent (Mat 19:6). the seventh of the ten commandments was: Thou shalt not commit adultery (Exo 20:14), and the offender was put to death (Lev 20:10). in the NT, the warnings are even stronger. Christ intensifed the regulation when he stated: <<>>He continued: <<>>

d. Marrying within the church.
We have learnt one way to avoid sexual immorality. Is that all?Are there others? Moving on with the sermon text.

c. But to be spiritually minded – in greek is “pneuma” which means to be (with the wisdom that is from above, a principle of grace) and seek God's word and obey.

d. Is life - This is opposed to death in Rom_8:5. It tends to life, and is in fact real life. For to possess and cultivate the graces of the spirit, to be led where he would guide us, is the design of our existence, and is the only path of happiness
What is the spiritual question?

Q: So how do we overcome sexual immorality?

1. Keep God standards and stand up for Christ.

a. Keep God's standards. First Thessalonians 4:3 says, "It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality." This means sexual relationship will be reserved for the permanent commitment of marriage. God intended sex to be for a husband and wife who have committed themselves to each other permanently, because only in the context of a permanent commitment can permanent intimacy be safely expressed. When there's physical intimacy without a permanent commitment, somebody's going to get hurt.
b. Make this commitment. before you get into situations where you're going to be tempted to break it, because if you wait until then, you've waited too long. You're not going to make it. The pressure to go the other way on God's standards is so intense in our society that if you have not decided ahead of time, it's not going to happen.
c. Flee fornication and subude your members – abstain from all signs of evil and away from the world (1 Cor 6: 18) and mortify your members (Col 3:5).
d. Stand strong & be consistent. against divorce, re-marriage and all other sexual vices. The strong posture should continue to be reflected at home, work, church, at the pulpit. (Phil 4:1-9)
This day we must fight the great fight against sexual immorality that faces the church. God’s way must always be stood for ; in fact, the inspired writers of the NT emphasized this many times and in many places. Paul said in ephesians 6:10, My brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. In eph 6:14, he says, “stand therefore…”

2. Avoid conformity instead be an example.

a. Dont conform. (Rom 12:2) the church exists in the world but must not be of the world (Jon 17:15). Safety prevails as long as the ship is in the water, but when the water gets into the ship there is danger. The same principle applies with referne to the church and the world. the church is in the world to influence the world for good (mat 5:13-16), but when the world gets into the church that influence is counteracted and the church is in great danger. Having been called out of the world, the church must maintain that separate position.
b. Be an example for the world ( 2 Cor 3:2). We are the epistle.
c. Serve only one master. One cannot, infact it is absolutely impossible for a person to live in fleshly lust and in sexual immorality and at the same time live for Christ. A choice must be made: Which master shall I serve? Josh 24:15.

3. Communication and understanding between husband and wife. Make a commitment to maximize your marriage.
a. Be made one flesh. (Gen 2:24). She needs for the two of you to be bonded, not just physically but emotionally. She craves an intimate, gentle, cherishing oneness of soul and spirit if there's going to be sexual connection. It may be that the husband simply requires geographical proximity. He's a much simpler creature. As long as you're in the same space time continuum, he's all set.
b. Communication. Learn to talk with each other. This is part of your duty to maximize your marriage. The Bible says you're called to be one flesh. And when you sign on for marriage, you're making a promise that you're going to move toward that goal as best you can

4. Learn and grow – Talk to your children about their sexuality and about God's plan for them. Deuteronomy 6:6 7 says, "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children." The commandments referred to here are the Ten Commandments, which include the very one about sexuality that Jesus alluded to in the Sermon on the Mount.
a. Conversation with Children. God's design is that sex education happen in the family. This doesn't mean you just have one talk about the facts of life and get it over with. This involves an ongoing conversation about children's bodies, physical changes they're going through, dating, marriages, how they feel about people of the other sex, responding to questions. It involves different kinds of conversations at each stage of development.
b. If sexual orientation happened badly for you, if you didn't have information or you were misguided or conversations were destructive, then commit to hand off to the next generation something better than you received.

In Conclusion, if we continue to think spiritually and act; if we will resolve to keep God's standard and stand up for Christ when it comes to sexual behavior; maximize our marriages as best we can; and if we will equip our children to honor and follow God, than we show our respect for God's plan for marriage and family to overcome sexuality immorality.