John 20:29 - Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Biblical Fellowship

BIBLICAL FELLOWSHIP – 22 Oct 08 (15 mins)

Ice Breaker: A how much do u know about B? Share your experiences? (1 min)
(How long you know him, what you all do together, what you think of him?)

Today's lesson will be on Biblical Fellowship!

1. To share with brethren from God’s Word on biblical fellowship.


a. Online-Dictionary states: it means friendly relationship, community of similar interest.

b. In the scriptures: The greek word for fellowship is known as “koinonia”which means partnership. This partnership with christians is not any other social gathering, but it is much superior, it is spiritual as it also includes God. So, when we say we want to “have fellowship,” means that we come together because we have the same belief. As partners, we have something in common with each other; to partake of it; to share it with each other, and in this christian fellowship, the only common thing between you and me (regardless of races, gender and ages) is Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:9)

1Co 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

2. God adds us to this fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ, who is our Lord. No one else has the authority or power to do so. Only God.


3. According to his fathers's will, Jesus put away his heavenly kingdom to put on flesh to come to this world to save us from our sins. But Jesus was betrayed, tortured, abused, cursed, beaten, spet on, crowned with thorns, his hands were nailed, he was crucified, he was not given any water while he was suffering and was mocked at on the cross. He died after six hours of agony on the cross. All this evil sufferings that he have to go through were done by man. He yielded his own life for our sins. 3 days later , Jesus arose from the dead and confirmed his resurrection to his disciples and 500 people. Isn't that amazing, as promised Jesus overcomed death !! <John 19:17- John 20> <1 Cor 15:3-6> Before He ascended into heaven to be with the father, He commanded his discples to go to all nations to teach everyone that Jesus is the Son of God and and it is only through him that we can have a hope to spend eternity with God. As such we have to obey all things that he have commanded us. <Mat 28:19-20>.


4. Jesus did that because of his submission to God's will <Mat 26:39>, his love for man, and the depth of his humiliation <Phil 2:1-8>. Jesus is our Lord and Saviour against the pollution of this world. <1 tim 1:1>


5. It would be nice if every important issue were a matter of first-hand knowledge or experience. But many of our decisions must be made on the basis of the testimony of others. The evidence for the Deity of Jesus is one of those decisions. None of us actually walked with Jesus, so we must make a decision – based on the testimony of those who knew Him. - whether or not we will believe He is the Son of God. One of such is the Apostle John. It has been John's life-long mission to present his eyewitness testimony to others (Acts 1:8). In the bible, he commits his testimony into writing. Those who accept Jesus because of the testimony of the eyewitnesses are blessed (John 20:29).

6. Back ground about John. During the time of Jesus Ministry (Service) on this earth, Apostle John, was the most closest friend of Jesus. For 3 years John accompanied Jesus in His journeys over Palestine, minstering to Him day and night, as Jesus did His Mighty Miracles to help and teach people the word of God. During the Last Supper, John leaned on Jesus' bosom, as Jesus talked of His approaching Cruxification. (John 13:23) this action once again proves their close relationship.

7. To John, Jesus was no Phantom, or Dream, or mere Vision as mentioned by the Pharisees, But a Real Person, the incarnation of Eternal Life. So, John wrote in the Epistle that we might share his feelings of Fellowship, this Close relationship and Joy in Christ and in the Father.

a. First, The Belief that Jesus is the Son of God

(1) He appeared in human form in behalf of men. <Read John 1:1-3> Jesus was with God from the beginning. As life manifested in the flesh, and so dwell among us and converse with us,<John 1:14> . We see Christ great love and kindness for us that being the eternal life (a person of eternal essential life) should come to visit mortals/ sinners like us<Roms 3:23>, and to purchase eternal life for you and me by sacrificing himself to the worst treatment ever in history, and then giving it as a gift for us if we continue to remain faithful <James 1:12>!

b. Second, The hope in Jesus. That Jesus is the only way that we can be saved. <John 14:1-3><John 14:6>

c. Third, Joy of heaven <Heb 12:2>

(1) Joy of Heaven. Jesus for the joy that was set before him - Patiently and willingly endured the cross, with all the pains thereto so that he can be with the Father. if the Saviour rejoiced in view of the glories before him, we should also. We should anticipate with joy an everlasting dwelling in the presence of God, and the high honor of sitting “with him on his throne, as he overcame, and is set down with the Father on his throne.” <Rev 3:21>

(2) The prospect of this should sustain us, as it did Jesus, in the midst of persecution, calamity, and trials. They will soon be ended; and if we are his friends, we shall “overcome,” as Jesus did, and be admitted to “the fulness of joy” above, and to the “right hand” of God, “where are pleasures forevermore.” < Psa 16:11>


8. What are the strengths of this fellowship?

a. God is the head and is with us. <Read 1 Cor 11:3 and Rom 8:31, 32> Remember God's promises.

b. Christ is the bedrock <Mat 16:18> , Christ is the cheif cornerstone of this fellowship. <Eph 2:20> He is the solid foundation which we could rely upon.

c. It is a spiritual union of Christians with God by having one mind. <Read John 17:21 and Phil 2:1-11>

d. Jesus calls us his friends. <John 15:15>

e. Strong love for God and each other. <John 14:15 and John 13:34>


9. Those who do not have Fellowship with the father is outside. <Isa 59:1-2> If we are separated from God due to our own iniquties, so how then can we be in the fellowship?

a. Christians who have sinned

b. Denominations (as they practice things that are against God's commandments but according to the man's convenience: such as lord supper on sat, playing musical instruments in worship, infant baptism).

c. Those who have not obeyed

10. So What can we do?

a. Christian to repent. <Ps 51:1-4>

b. Denominations and Those who have not obeyed – There are five steps to follow:

(1). (First step) Hear the word of God <Rom 10:17>,
(2). belief in God and Jesus as his son <Heb 11:6>
(3). repent of your sins and determine to change the manner of life according to the will and word of God, <Acts 17:30>
(4). confess that Jesus is the Son of God and Lord of our Life, < Rom 10:10>
(5). Be baptised in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in order to obtain the forgiveness of sins. <Rom 6:3-4>

11. Then, Lord will add you to the church (Acts 2:47) where we can have this fellowship with God.


12. Apostle John, shared with us the belief, hope and joy that he had first hand with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This is what we should continue to hold unto and share with the rest of the world. There is someone out there who is waiting to have this fellowship with God but not sure how , there might be someone who does not even know abt this fellowship or who does it in their own way, not in God's way. Here we are the God Chosen people, the called out <1 Peter 2:9> to continue to do his work – seeking and saving the lost. Why wait? What is the excuse? Lets stand up and spread the truth.